Reflow Soldering in Unmodified Toaster Oven?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’ve been designing a 4-layer PCB for a product for a few months now and I finally got to the stage of assembling the prototype after the PCB and components arrived. Most of the passive components I used were 0603 surface mount parts so reflow soldering was the only viable option (if I wanted to maintain my sanity).

Since I don’t have a proper reflow oven, I decided to use the next best thing I own: No not my hot air rework station, a toaster oven!

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4-Layer PCB Design in KiCad 5: Quick Thoughts

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I recently had to design a 4-layer PCB and I finally decided to give KiCad another try (after hearing great things about version 5). I’ve known about KiCad for years and even tried it once a few years back but it never felt quite “there” yet. After spending a few months designing a 4-layer board I have to say it has certainly won me over.

Continue reading 4-Layer PCB Design in KiCad 5: Quick Thoughts